Robert and Pam

农场可接待人数: 8
农场其它设施: 空调, 无线网络
农场动物: 绵羊, 羊驼, 马



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Family Members: Robert (Male), Pam (Female).
Location: Kyneton, Victoria 3444. 1 hour and 10 minutes from Melbourne.
Closest Train Station: Kyneton Station, Bendigo Line.
Farm Details: Hobby farm with sheep, chickens, miniature ponies, alpacas, aracana chickens, cockatiel, budgerigars, parrots, 3 cats (mainly out), 2 Chihuahua dogs (in & out) and a large garden.
Farm Activities: Tour of farm, hand feed all animals, collect fresh chicken eggs to cook and eat for breakfast, spot native wildlife, star gazing.
Acres: 10.
Internet: Free WiFi available.
Bathrooms: 1 (Separate from hosts).
Cooling: Ducted air conditioning.
Room 1: 3 single beds.
Room 2: 2 single beds.
Room 3: 1 queen bed, 1 single bed.
Transfer maximum 8 guests.


您可以前往墨尔本的南十字星火车站(Southern Cross Station)或弗林德斯火车站(Flinders Station)搭乘火车。您只需要自付火车票费用,搭乘火车在离您预订农场最近的火车站下车,农场主将在火车站敬候您,为您提供免费的火车站至农场的接送。

私家车接送: 如果您需要私家车接送服务,我们可以为您提供报价。
